OBT ~ Escadrille virtuelle
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OBT ~ Escadrille virtuelle

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3 participants

Messages : 1830
Date d'inscription : 02/06/2008
Age : 51
Localisation : Dpt 49

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MessageSujet: premières impressions   premières impressions Icon_minitimeSam 12 Fév - 13:51

vu sur C6

- Dynamic lightning in cockpits look awesome
- water is very photorealistic, full of details
- Horizon and sky are outstanding. you can feel the "deep" of them. The whole atmosphere surrounding plane is verry good, you can feel that its windy and sunny outside of plane
- Flying over ground make game to drop fps quite significantly, sometimes quite unpleasent to fly.
- Hits on the plane are very visible, small cloud on smoke on every hit like in guncams.
- Tracers are really helpfull for better aiming. Some people doesnt like the way they look, other like them very much. Luthier was asked about them and he answered that tracers are perfect and very close to reality. point.
- hard to shot down other airplanes (more on that later)
- oil marks on windows are very realistic and nice
- [bug] you can see grass appearing inside your hurricane while its on land
- some people report that props keep rotating even if you hit the land with it, but later everyone come to conclusion that same damage settings was turned of
- hurricane is much more sluggish that Spitfire, therefore there are much less head movements in hurricane on every evolution
- All planes are much more sluggish than in IL-2
- guns (thoose things which are not cannons) are much more deadly now, they became real weapon. But its much harder to hit the plane as well
- explosions of land items are much better than in IL-2 but still not as in guncams
- rear view is much improved, you dont stare at your backseat, but look along side of the plane
- even equipment of pilot affects how your plane will behave. So its up to you whether take heavy parachute or not
- you can adjust vertical and horisontal aiming point of every gun individually
- every gun can have its own personal type of ammo
- you cant hear enemy on your 6
- its very hard to spot airplane now event on top of sky. Sun make things worse. People lost bots easily when they flew away in the derection of sun
- you can set enemy on fire with guns but you need to deliver enough hits which is hard
- rudder now affects fly much stronger.
- there are autorudder option which will make PC to control your rudder
- once you take off you need to get energy, now more 180 turns immediately after takeoff
- people avoided to fly over land because of perfomance reasons (even if graphics was on low settings).
- it is hard to tell if there was turbulence if you are on 6, probably not on this difficulty settings
- shooting enemies is really hard. If enemy doesnt see you - you have chance. if everyone sees everyone chances to shoot down anyone is minimal
- right turn is not really different from left turn on hurricane. Opposite for Bf-109 E3 - its almost dont do right turn
- even if you dive deeply and pull up you dont blackout
- when you dive deeply and pull up slump is quite heavy and very noticible
- flying over london on Low graphics settings was impossible, PC gave unacceptable FPS
- head movement is huge factor, aiming cross becomes invisible even on small G because heads goes away from sight device. Use tracers to correct your aim.
- when plane is on fire black smoke is so dense that you cant see plane when you on six and cant deliver few more rounds to him
- If you buy game on steam you'll need internet connection only once for activation. Then you can fly offline as much as you want using steam version
- !!! GAME IS CONSTANTLY IMPROVING. Game version which will be released on disks is not final. When you'll go online to activate your game most up to date patch will be downloaded automatically, so 1C Games has more time to make game better.
- !!! 1C is publisher. At least 1C is fully controls what to put, where and when do a release. I have an impression from other discussions on sukhoi that UBI is just a distribution partner. Cant find a link to prove it.
- They are optimizing( =simplifying) weather and air flows. Its so much complex now that can make even high end machines to hang. Once PCs become better disabled features will be enabled back by patch.

Y'a des trucs qui rassurent pas
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Messages : 392
Date d'inscription : 03/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: premières impressions   premières impressions Icon_minitimeSam 12 Fév - 16:49

On pourra le faire tourner correctement dans 5 ans Evil or Very Mad .
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Messages : 1830
Date d'inscription : 02/06/2008
Age : 51
Localisation : Dpt 49

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MessageSujet: Re: premières impressions   premières impressions Icon_minitimeDim 13 Fév - 11:30

OBT~Midair a écrit:
On pourra le faire tourner correctement dans 5 ans Evil or Very Mad .
j'en ai peur !
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Messages : 199
Date d'inscription : 02/06/2008
Age : 50
Localisation : Les Attaques dans le Pas de Calais

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MessageSujet: Re: premières impressions   premières impressions Icon_minitimeDim 20 Fév - 20:51

on a deja attendu plus de 5 ans pour l'avoir on est plus à 5 ans près
qui le précommande?

- Les cons, ça ose tout. C'est même à ça qu'on les reconnaît.
Fernand Naudin
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