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 système D

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Messages : 1830
Date d'inscription : 02/06/2008
Age : 51
Localisation : Dpt 49

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MessageSujet: système D   système D Icon_minitimeMar 16 Fév - 11:24

C'était la belle époque ... (désolé c'est en anglais)

http://twaseniorsclub.org/bouadanaarticlephotos/joebouadanaeulogy.html a écrit:
Joe was working a flight from New York to Paris, and just as they approached the French coast line they heard that the French air traffic controllers were on strike.......again. So Paris airport was closed. All air traffic was being diverted to Geneva or other near by airports within Europe. Joe just happened to be in the cockpit as the Captain was talking to air traffic control, the crew were tired and had been looking forward to their good baguette sandwich and a nice cold beer. As you were all aware, Joe never took no for an answer. He asked the Captain for permission to speak to the controllers. He spoke to them at length in French and a few minutes later he said to the captain - "OK We Are Landing". The Captain, who did not speak a word of French, was amazed and intrigued as to what Joe had said to them; "I'll tell you later, just land the F#*king Plane before those suckers change their mind". So they landed at the deserted airport - the only transatlantic flight to get in that day. After the passengers had deplaned, the Captain, who by this time was getting very nervous, walked to the back of the plane where he found Joe breaking the seals on the Duty Free liquor carts and piling 6 bottles of scotch into a bag. Now the Captain is really worried. "I promised the ATC guys 6 bottles of scotch if they let us in, so we got to pay up"! The Captain was just beside himself because he was giving away the company liquor. "Don't worry Captain, I will sort it out with them when I get back. They are gonna thank me for all the money I saved them on the gas and the hotel bills." Which is what he did when he got back to Kennedy with the help of his long suffering supervisor.
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