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 Annonces DCS

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Messages : 362
Date d'inscription : 11/09/2020
Age : 58
Localisation : Brussels

Annonces DCS Empty
MessageSujet: Annonces DCS   Annonces DCS Icon_minitimeVen 8 Jan - 18:04


In the first quarter of 2021, we will migrate to DCS World version 2.7. While it was planned to release 2.6 in the very beginning of the year, so many additional changes are in the works that we have decided to move directly to 2.7. But prior to this move, we will have one remaining update to version 2.5 that will include many improvements to DCS: F/A-18C Hornet.

DCS: Mosquito FB MK.VI
Our first new product of 2021 will be the impressive Mosquito. This will be our first multi-engine, multi-crew World War II aircraft for DCS World, and it will mark an important capability for future projects. The Mosquito is planned to be released into early access by the end of the 1st quarter of 2021.

The Channel
We continue to expand this map with additional airfields, including the famous Biggin Hill RAF and Eastchurch airfields in England, two new advanced landing group airstrips, and numerous new landmarks. We plan to release the final version of the Channel map in the 1st quarter of 2021.

Mariana Islands
Slated to release in the 2nd quarter 2021, this map will first be a modern-day depiction, and it will include Andersen AFB and several other airfields along the island chain. Combined with the Chinese Assets Pack, we see interesting single player and multiplayer possibilities. This is still planned as a free map, and it will later serve as the foundation for our first World War II Pacific Theater map.

Pour les îles Mariannes WWII j'espère qu'ils sortiront d'abord le Hellcat et le Zéro, quelques porte-avions, cuirassés et autres.

Je ne connais pas DCS depuis assez longtemps pour ne pas m'inquiéter d'un passage de versions majeures (2.5 -> 2.7) Question
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